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Rocket comes with a documentation preset you will love. Simple, responsive and behaving like native, it sure is going to be a hit among your users.


Install @rocket/launch from the NPM repository

npm i @rocket/launch


Rocket Launch comes with a few layouts you can use:

  • LayoutSidebar
  • LayoutHome
  • Layout404

👉 site/pages/

import { LayoutSidebar } from '@rocket/launch';

export const layout = new LayoutSidebar();

You should also define it as a preset in the configuration so that it can copy some default public files. (this step is not required but it is recommended)

👉 config/rocket.config.js

import { rocketLaunch } from '@rocket/launch';

/** @type {import('rocket/cli').RocketCliConfig} */
export default {
  presets: [rocketLaunch()],